PATRICK Harvie’s Friday column in The National featured a photograph of Mr Harvie, Energy Secretary Neil Gray and a representative of Muirhall…
featured a photograph of Mr Harvie, Energy Secretary Neil Gray and a representative of Muirhall Energy Ltd at the opening of the Greengairs East Wind Farm. They all had broad smiles on their faces.
Mr Harvie is quoted as saying: “With more than £2 billion for renewable energy, the Programme for Government has green policies right at its heart. That’s real action and real money that is making a real difference.”I do not know where the figure of “more than £2 billion” comes from but I fear it is partly from our hard-earned taxes being used to eventually line the pockets of electricity suppliers.
In the case of the smaller wind turbine companies, minor “community benefits” – mainly donations to local charities – are being used to convince local communities not to raise objections to planning applications.