Transport, police and housing could face 9 per cent cuts as Britain enters 'new era of austerity' under Rishi Sunak's plan to save £50bn
Many public services could be stripped to the bone if Rishi Sunak freezes spending, a think tank has warned. Per-person spending in departments such as transport, justice and local government could be slashed by up to 9 per cent, according to research by the Resolution Foundation, which focuses on living standards.
Read more: The plan to create the equivalent of TWO new boroughs in Greater Manchester – and the battle to stop it Some have seen planned spending rises turned into cuts, with real-terms education spending going from an increase of £1.5 billion in 2024-25 from this year to a cut of £1 billion. James Smith, Resolution Foundation research director, said: "Significant reductions in day-to-day public service spending are on the cards, while protecting areas such as health and defence. This would repeat a key option chosen by Conservative-led governments since 2010.