What would make a woman kill her friend, decapitate her, put her into a suitcase, keep her body for two weeks and then dump her in woodland 200 miles away?
Det Ch Insp Eastwood described the cool-headed planning as "horrific".
Jurors heard that when Mitchell left Ms Chong's house the case appeared a "lot heavier and more difficult to manoeuvre".The blue suitcase Mitchell took to Ms Chong's flat was used to transport her body, the prosecution said The roadside mechanic sent to change the wheel noticed Mitchell was acting strangely. He also noticed an "odd smell" from the vehicle, and found it strange that Mitchell insisted on having the defunct wheel stowed on the back seat rather than the boot.
She also worked as an osteopath in Australia for seven years before returning to the UK in 2015, where she lived with her mother and her sister, with whom she had a turbulent relationship.