Bikers physically obstructed cameras, followed reporters and threatened to have them arrested, according to one account. Uvalde UvaldePolice UvaldeMassacre TexasSchoolMassacre SanAntonio SATX SanAntonioTX
Police and bikers told members of the press covering the Thursday ceremony outside Rushing-Estes Knowles Mortuary that they would be arrested for stepping outside of designated areas, according to the. Even though members of the media were covering the memorial from a distance, bikers physically obstructed cameras and followed reporters, the paper also reports.
Even so, in a tweet, Gill appeared to vent his own frustration, saying he was"trying to be respectful with everyone's fresh grief." He added:"Police still thought it was necessary to coordinate with bikers to order reporters to 'stay on the sidewalk' and physically obstruct cameras. Really?" I’m here in Uvalde, trying to be respectful with everyone’s fresh grief. Standing outside while a funeral is going on. Police still thought it was necessary to coordinate with bikers to order reporters to “stay on the sidewalk” and physically obstruct cameras. Really?