More than 143,000 BIPOC households would need to become homeowners to close the gap between white and BIPOC households in Washington state, according to a recently published report.
More than 143,000 BIPOC households would need to become homeowners to close the gap between white and BIPOC households in Washington state, according to a recently published report from the, with the support of The Department of Commerce.
HDWG spent nearly a year reviewing data to discover housing trends while authoring best practices to remove barriers to homeownership for Washingtonians of color, including a strong recommendation to the executive and legislative branches to “chart a new course” with new initiatives and bills.“Unfortunately, this is not just about history, because the last 20 years, this has not improved,” said Brown. “And so we need specific attention to home ownership, especially in BIPOC communities.
“We don’t expect this to happen overnight, but we do have a $25 billion home ownership assistance funding opportunity coming out in a couple of months and we’re going to work very hard to make sure that we’re looking at this issue,” said Brown. “It’s an issue across the state, particularly challenging in some of our rural communities.” is a new regional effort to increase rates of Black homeownership in the Puget Sound region.