Pelosi tells Dems she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, 'I want to see him in prison'
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once again clashed with House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and other leaders in her party earlier this week over whether to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, Politico reported Wednesday.
The meeting is the latest evidence of inflamed tensions within the Democratic Party over how to handle the Trump presidency. Mueller’s report did not find any clear evidence to charge members of the Trump campaign with conspiring with Russia, but it did not exonerate the president on obstruction of justice either. Rather, Mueller outlined 10 instances of potential obstruction that he uncovered during the probe.
Some Democrats have pointed to Mueller’s report as evidence that impeachment proceedings should begin, while others, Pelosi included, have touted a more conservative approach. Some lawmakers have also said they fear impeachment would only embolden the president and his supporters before next year’s election.
“Do you know that most people think impeachment means you’re out of office?” the House speaker said at a press conference. “They think, if you get impeached, you’re gone. And that is completely not true. And I may have thought that myself 50 years ago.