'I’ve always wanted to blend in and that came at a high cost: never knowing who I truly was.'
It hasn’t just been a few years of hiding in plain sight, it’s been my entire life. I’ve always wanted to blend in and that came at a high cost: never knowing who I truly was. I considered myself a chameleon, which was a good trait to have if you wanted to please the masses , but a detriment if you desired real relationships. Very few people actually got a look behind my veil, and that is probably why very few people have lasted in my life.
I married, settled into suburban life, tried to start a family, and had two miscarriages. Then I had my daughter, my son, and found my husband on the floor almost dead. Anxiety and depression have cycled through my veins my entire life, but now they are back with vengeance. Right along with low self-esteem and body image issues.There’s a lot of beauty sprinkled in there too, but chances are that’s already public knowledge.