Politicians don\u0027t often get there are issues like the MMIWG2S reality that require much, much more than new laws, policies a little money.
“I really believe that the solutions are not on these benches, but are in the communities where this is taking place,” McMorris said during a special legislative debate on missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people .
The solutions are surely there within the communities, but they will only be found respectfully by listening to those still living in communities where tragedies have happened and, sadly, are still happening.outside the legislature’s chamber Thursday are just too damn important to be drowned out by the usual glibness and political noise.
Of all the statements uttered within the tyndall-stone confines of the marble palace Thursday, the most important ones came from Red Dress Day guests like Witchekan, who simply reminded us those missing or murdered and their families deserve justice. Law-making politicians, police, courts and the rest of us need to listen to them.Article content
But for a welcome change, the legislature on Thursday was at least paying some attention to MMIWG2S stories. From this rare foray into listening to Indigenous concerns, the assembly unanimously adopted five articles in a declaration from the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations on how best to address MMIWG2S.
Both McMorris and Justice Minister Gord Wyant focussed their remarks on programs and policies already enacted. It’s important for the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to know that in the $233 million in the 2022-23 budget allotted for First Nations and Metis issues, there was $800,000 for community-led initiatives and $400,000 directly for MMIGW issues.Article contentOther truisms uttered Thursday were even more important.