They don’t. But if you want to exfoliate your face and make it look bronzed, there are other ways to do that.
. Her suggestion: Use your anti-acne products at night; then, in the morning, wash your face with a non-active cleanser and apply a self-tanner that will develop the same day, such as. You’ll have a “tan” for the day, and then if your nighttime exfoliating removes any of the color, the next morning’s application of self-tanner will even things back out.
Sounds great, right? I think it’s worth a try. But in my experience, this strategy isn’t sustainable. I’ve tried this skin-care roller coaster. It worked for a few days at a time, but inevitably the exfoliator does more exfoliating than the self-tanner does tanning and things start to look patchy. Hopefully, you’ll have better results.
If things don’t work out, your second option is to use a product that’s an exfoliator and a self-tanner, like. “This is one of my absolute favorite brands,” says Berry. “They’ve encapsulated the self-tanning ingredients, which means the AHAs have the chance to do their thing first and the self-tanner kicks in later.” I love this idea! Not only have I used and liked this product, I recently talked about your question on myThe only problem you may run into with the Dr.
Finally, your third option is to match your face to your body with makeup. If you wear foundation, try going a shade deeper for the summer; even if it doesn’t match your body perfectly, you’ll at least bring the two skin tones more in alignment. Not into foundation? Then liquid bronzer is the way to go. You can wear it alone, all over your face, or mix it into your moisturizer. Since your goal is to look like you have a natural tan, I’d suggest somethingshimmer, which is actually hard to find.