“A report card on the items I wore most, the nice-to-haves, and the pieces that didn’t even make it out of my suitcase.”
can be a difficult one, though one might assume a two-week-long jaunt would make that an easier decision. My recent summer vacation, which spanned three cities and two countries over the course of 14 days, was accompanied by only a jam-packed carry-on suitcase and a packed-to-the-gills duffel bag. I used a rolling technique for my clothes and utilized every nook and cranny for everything else, resulting in two heavier-than-necessary bags.
Prior to the trip, I tried on outfits as I usually do, threw some last-minute just-in-case items in , and ultimately ended up overcompensating for the fact I wasn’t checking luggage by overpacking as much as I could into my two cabin-sized bags. Despite everything I crammed into them, throughout the trip there were really only a handful of pieces I wore more than once. Call it a, if you will.