The first menu this cocktail ever appeared on included the ominous warning: limit of two.
, Hamilton’s Demerara 151 or similar). If the first two are strong enough, you can get away with using less of the latter. My advice if you’re feeling sheepish is to start with a lighter hand and add to taste.Take 4 oz. sugar, 4 oz. water and 1 cinnamon stick that you’ve broken into a few pieces, put it on the stove and stirring occasionally until the sugar dissolves. Simmer for five minutes, then let cool and strain. This can be done with 1 or 2 tsp.
The only other thing to say about this is that you can make your own, which involves toasting almonds and zesting limes, and if you’re the type of person who gets excited about that, I suspect you have already tried it. Proper grenadine is made by combining sugar and pomegranate juice, adding a touch of pomegranate molasses and perfuming the whole thing with rose water or orange flower water.