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There’s closure on the cards for you this summer as you finally make peace with a big life decision. Expect heart to hearts, plenty of time out and good news when you least expect it.Taking control of your work/life balance is key for you this year, Taurus. And you don’t get to let it all go just because it’s summer! The goalposts have moved in an important area of your life but that doesn’t mean you have to give up. Think big, Taurus.
Long-haul plans await!It’s all happening in Cancer world this summer thanks to lucky Jupiter taking a spin in your success zone. Are you ready to step up, stand out and make a dream come true? You better be!Putting your own needs first might feel uncomfortable but it’s what you need to do as the summer begins. This is big picture stuff, Cancer – and deep down you know it. A move you make before September could change the trajectory of your life forever, if only you’ll allow yourself to make it.