The display is up year-round, but for Halloween, Steve Springer said he has added skulls, dismembered body parts, spiders, and a giant blow-up dragon.
He said it’s a way for children to learn about what used to roam the earth.
"I taught school around the corner for 30 years and I missed the kids so much I wanted to do something that would put a smile on their faces and make their day better, so I thought I am going to create a park that is one-of-a-kind… and it won’t cost you anything," he continued. Paleontologists said they discovered the bone of a large dinosaur at an excavation site in southwestern France in July.
For this year’s Halloween, Springer said he has added skulls, dismembered body parts, spiders, and a giant blow-up dragon. Oakland restaurant workers dressed as Power Rangers kick into action to stop alleged assault Visitors also get a chance to pick a dinosaur egg from a wall in his garage. The egg contains a number with corresponds to a prize. Springer said he does take donations but the majority of his setup is paid out of pocket. The display is free and operates every day of the year except for Halloween. It closes during the day to get ready to receive up to 6,000 visitors on Halloween night.