A large event may not necessarily be an invitation to widespread, unchecked illness – if people use tools now available to limit risk, experts say
Covid-19 superspreading, which involves the virus spreading at a single event on a larger scale than what is typically expected, is still possible and poses a risk. But in this stage of the pandemic, a large event may not necessarily be an invitation to widespread, unchecked illness -- if people use tools now available to limit risk, according to public health experts.
How vaccines stop the spread of viruses 01:26As we transition to living with Covid-19 long-term, there will be more chances to encounter someone with a mild -- but still transmissible -- infection through everyday activities like going to school, the office, a neighborhood block party, church, a sporting event or happy hour. But there are also more chances to identify them.
"What is happening at this point in the pandemic is that people are able to protect themselves differently," Malani said, adding that people now can gauge their risk for Covid-19 before attending an event by finding out whether others have been tested or vaccinated.Many Covid-19 outbreaks still happen in pockets of the United States where there are many unvaccinated people, Benjamin said.