GossipWolf: Since 2019, local jangle-pop six-piece calicoloco have been dropping singles whose smart, rigorous songwriting sensibility reminds Gossip Wolf of 80s UK indie-pop masters such as Prefab Sprout and Aztec Camera. | JR1Nelson & imLeor
’s tribute to Baker details his contributions in Americana, blues, and rock, but it overlooks the first piece of published music writing he ever did: Baker grew up in Chicago, and as a high school junior in fall 1971, he sent the. Baker’s piece ran in the 11th issue of the paper on January 7, 1972, and he’d shortly help Gray find a label for what would turn out to be his only album . Baker’s last day as a publicist will be Friday, March 18; he’ll close Conqueroo, the PR firm he launched in 2004.
last spring. On Friday, Purelink producer Tommy Paslaski, aka Concave Reflection, dropped a full-length called, whose serene beatscapes stay cozily inside the Purelink comfort zone. The album came out via Australian label Theory Therapy, which augmented the digital release with a cassette edition of 50 copies., Tommy Paslaski of Concave Reflection describes his creative process: “Layering and layering until I have a cohesive thought.