It's the stuff our clothes are made of.
protons . This process is vital for life and central to respiration, digestion, and the regulation of cellular pH levels.According to the researchers, their"textile filters with enzyme attached work like a mix between an air filter and a water filter that carry out a chemical reaction at the same time."working today that are used in the oil and gas industry - to purify methane, natural gas mostly. When natural gas is taken out of the ground, it's often mixed with carbon dioxide.
"Our technology uses textiles and enzymes to capture the CO2 molecules in a very efficient manner," says Salmon. To create the filter, the enzyme was attached to a piece of two-layer cotton fabric by 'dunking' the fabric in a solution containing chitosan, which acts like glue.
A full-scale filtration system would need to process more than 10 million liters of flue gas per minute.