To nudge the highs near 70, we’ll need a good supply of sun today. We’re thinking that’s in the cards as most of the showers will scoot across northern New England.
The coast will be lucky to see 50 along Thursday while the warm air will be sequestered from Springfield to Hartford with highs there soaring near 80If you missed out on the lovely afternoon yesterday, there’s still enough warmth stewing aboutWe’re thinking that’s in the cards as most of the showers will scoot across northern New England. Southerly winds are in the mix too, holding the mild temps deep into the evening.
But later at night, the cool air pooling in the Gulf of Maine comes sailing south. Our temps will dive back to the 40s, and the stage is set for an epic temperature battle across southern New England on Thursday. With those cooler temps will come a lot of clouds and a northeast breeze, we’ll be lucky to see 50 along the coast as we hover in the 40s most of the day. Meantime, the warm air will be sequestered from Springfield to Hartford with highs there soaring near 80!